A day in the life of HallstromHome goes like this.

Morning routines sure are not glamorous with coffee dates and sleeping in as life used to be. Now it’s filled with emails, social media (Yay!! Love Instagram!!) and the responsibility issue that I often would rather avoid. Good thing for Lana when she can take over most of the computer work. Such as fine tuning each item that’s listed, the ins and outs to operating a website and blog. As well as being the balance for one crazy business woman (me 😉 .) So that’s a quick view of what A Day in the Life of Hallstrom Home is like.

Rhonda Hallstrom Sitting in mudroom with a garland behind her

Now that the winter weather is here in the Pacific Northwest, I find myself slipping on the rubber boots to run up to the shop. I light the stove so it will be heated when I need to package up the previous days orders. Then I start on the custom mirrors or frame orders that have come in. I remember vowing to my hubby that I would NEVER!! EVER!! LIGHT A FIRE IN THE STOVE!! Bahaha, look at me now, master fire starter. Good news though, I’m ordering a new heating system because this girl is SICK and TIRED of being a master fire starter.

Black and white dog looking out an open door
A Day in the Life of Hallstrom Home

Every morning I vow to have everything well planned and in control but…I usually get some kind of whim. Maybe shopping or to make a new product instead of cleaning up, and then I’m left running around pell mell as I’m trying to beat the FedEx man for pickups. Why, Oh why, can’t I be a real business woman with a well laid plan?

Dinner time usually arrives out of the blue and totally unexpected every day. I’m left once again wondering what this ex Martha Stewart type gal is going to make for this hungry bunch of kids and one hard working hubby. Insert a lack of groceries here because I swear I only have time to go buy mirrors and vintage decor and not groceries. Now I am laying upon the unmopped floor in total hysterics. Wondering why I can’t be responsible for once and keep the pantry well stocked. With the clock ticking madly by, I find the strength to kick the pantry door open and find some potatoes for a creamy potato soup check out this yummy recipe. Sometimes when the potatoes are gone I text the trusty assistant. Please oh, please buy me some potatoes before you come over, but don’t forget the bon bons, or shes fired 😉

farmhouse kitchen with large bakery sign and gold chandelier
A Day in the Life of Hallstrom Home

I promise that I didn’t start this crazy business to become a frazzled lunatic. But so many times I look at the day and say where oh, where has my life gone? I didn’t start this for the money but only out of fear that I would become utterly bored at home with all my kids in school. When I become bored, let’s just say it’s bad times for someone, or everyone around me. As I will start stalking them for shopping dates and bon bon sessions to which they would rather visit the dentist than me at my dullest moments.

I wonder how many times I tell my hubby that I’m going to quit this business. Hubby looks sideways at me and says “umm, hum.” To which he reminds me of the abundant stash of mirrors I have and all the custom decor I have made. He says ” well, go sell it all first” and I’m over here bawling that my shopping addictions. They have gotten me into trouble and since I can’t fire myself, I will just continue on.

Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and the wonderful customers that have become dear friends along the way. The intimate evenings spent up in the shop as hubby makes the custom wood mirror boxes for shipping. These times are what drives me to do well enough that hubby can quit his day job and come work here drinking coffee and taking out the trash as he likes to say he will do. I’ve got other plans for him though (insert laughter here)

Green plate with folded napkin that says joy along with a cup of cocoa and whip cream

I love this crazy life of mine! On my Insta, you can see all the fun I have.

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