You guys I am ready to break the diet over these sweet things. No kidding! So I picked up these thin crispy, lemon, cookies from Costco. They’re the kind that are perfect for dipping in tea. Well now that Summer’s here I had this great idea to turn them into ice cream sandwiches, this is How to Make Ice Cream Sandwiches that Make Your Mouth Happy.

stack of 7 ice cream cakesHow to Make Ice Cream Sandwiches That Make Your Mouth Happy

These are very satisfying treats for a hot day. The lemon and vanilla go perfect together! If you have time and want to make your lemon cookies I’ll give you a delicious recipe. Small and Simple Things created this tasty treat.

plat f ice cream sandwiches and silverare set out

Personally buying the ice cream is much easier. Although the kids do enjoy making ice cream. Here are some of my favorite homemade ice cream recipes. Of course we have the classic vanilla to share with you.

6 ice cream sandwiches one with a bit out of it on a white tray

They were so good, I could have eaten them all up! But the kids came by when I was done and enjoyed this treat. Are you ever just relaxing in the sun and start to get a little hungry. This is the fix for that. Sometimes we make these ahead of time and freeze them, so we can just run in the house and grab some.

How to Make Ice Cream Sandwiches That Make Your Mouth Happy purple glasses with platter of ie cream sandwiches and vase of flowers

How to Make Ice Cream Sandwiches That Make Your Mouth Happy

My friend Ashley over at Modern Glam created a darling ice cream garden party! It doesn’t get much better than ice cream sandwiches for a Summer party.

five ice cream sandwiches on white plate

Do you love ice cream sandwiches? I do! Try these tasty treats on a warm, Summer days. Or if you’re like my kids anytime of the year will do. There is also an amazing recipe from my friend Janine.

We also have Ashley here with her summer recipe

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