If you know me nowadays I am running all day long that I come home at dinner time and I have to think of last minute dinners. I know I’m not the only one, so I thought I should look into getting easy jarred sauces that you can add to meat and now you have a tasty dinner! We have got Finch and Fennel in the store and people are loving it! So far I have loved everything I have tried. We carry their seasonings, jarred sauces, hot sauces, preserves and more!

Jarred Dinner Recipes
Here’s the orange chicken starter. I was honestly unsure about this because sometimes store bought orange chicken products can taste very artificial. But this was amazing, especially for being in a jar! I just started off by heating up my cast iron and cutting up the chicken. Then I seasoned the chicken with just salt and pepper and threw into the cast iron to cook. I cooked until almost done and then added the whole jar. And let that simmer for a little to help let the flavor sit.
Easy Orange Chicken Recipe
After simmering it was ready to serve! Seriously as easy as that. If you have littles at home or have a late night job or just don’t feel like cooking a full on meal this is for you! This is great with rice. I should have made some broccoli or something with this but I didn’t have any. What I love about this is it is so versatile. You can make this with chicken, tofu, or fish!

Thanks for stopping by and let me know what starter you want to try. I want to try the Carnita starter next! Be sure to check out last weeks blog post on our best faux florals.