I am The Girl Who Painted Her Bike Blue. Seeing all these wonderful antique bikes being painted made me want to try it myself. I painted the bike an aqua blue. This can be done very quickly, I had to do mine in a 20 minute time frame. The end result is exactly what I wanted!

The Girl Who Painted Her Bike Blue

On my patio I thought this bright blue would be the perfect color. It really stands out in my garden and creates conversation. So for a while now I’ve been wanting to do this, then a trip to Goodwill made this project happen. I found this great antique bike there, so I obviously had to get it! So then I headed home to paint the bike in 90 degree weather! Take a look at how we used Fusion Mineral paint to repaint this bike a pretty lavender. Check out our chalk painting ebook, to find out other ways to do this!

The Girl Who Painted Her Bike Blue

To start I took off the brake line, because I don’t want wires dangling from my darling bike. You can also take off the chain and other parts if you don’t like the look of it. But I just kept the bike how it was. I created this bike in 20 minutes, what was I thinking. So this is super quick to make it your’e in a hurry. I also found a basket at Goodwill to use and attached it. You can add some real flowers from the garden or if you were in a hurry like me, just use the artificial ones you have.

The Girl Who Painted Her Bike Blue

I’d like to show where I got my inspiration. This is just gorgeous French Country Cottage really perfected this look. The blue is just so pretty! At my house that color really completes my outdoor space. If you’d like to look at some more outdoor DIY check out my blog here. I’ll include some affiliate links to shop this look.

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