If you’ve been following my Instagram stories, then you may know of our fabulous surprise! Now that there are three of us working for HallstromHome, that means it’s triple trouble. We Have a Fabulous Surprise-Launching a New Product, What Do You Think?

We Have a Fabulous Surprise-Launching a New Product, What Do You Think? hand holding pink leather bag with phone in front pocket

It was one of those days like many, where the dreams are running rampant. I turned to the girls and said “hey we should make some leather shoes!” But first we needed to make a leather handbag to go with the shoes.

pink leather bag measuring the straps on top of bag
pink leather bag on ground with straps being held up
We Have a Fabulous Surprise-Launching a New Product, What Do You Think?

And that’s how it all started we are still looking at how we can make leather shoes. That process will take us quite a bit of time. But in the meantime with our spare time we will be making leather handbags, clutches, and backpacks. We created The Lily, our first soft leather messenger bag. Perfect for laptops, cellphones, doggies, and more!

Now that doesn’t mean we won’t continue to make mirrors, home decor, and linens. It just means we will be offering more in our online shop. It’s my goal to have more employees and to offer more handmade goodness to our customers.

pink leather bag laid out on ground

Handmade and custom work is a passion of mine in a world of cheap, easy things don’t have much meaning. Don’t get me wrong, I love both worlds and feel thankful we can choose but my heart is in handmade! Take a look at our women’s fashion guide!

pink leather bag hanging on hook with phone sticking out of pocket |We Have a Fabulous Surprise-Launching a New Product, What Do You Think?
Woman Leather Handbag

When I opened my first Etsy shop, my customers would write back that they could feel the love I put into my mirrors. I know that sounds crazy, but seriously when I create each item, I think of that customer even though I don’t know them. I let my hands be led by my heart. To this day I still get those comments and it’s now been five years. I teach my new hires to work with love and thoughtfulness as this is what makes my customers come back in a world of so many options.

We Have a Fabulous Surprise-Launching a New Product, What Do You Think? in black holding pink leather bag

I would love your advice on if we should open a separate online leather shop. Or should I include this line of handbags in my shop at Hallstrom Home. Your input is highly valued, thank you!

pink leather bag hanging on hook

Don’t forget to sign up for our emails to find out about our launch. You may also want to join our blog where we give lots of diy, home styling tips, and recipes.

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