How to Make Your Chalk Painted Furniture Last Longer
One of the biggest tips on how to make your chalk painted furniture last longer is to use a non yellowing clear coat? Keep in mind that I do love a good clear wax on some items but for longevity and high use pieces, then this is what I use. Let me show you some of the pieces I have done. Many have since sold but it’ll give you an idea. We also use this on all of our custom mirrors.

The napping porch with chalk painted bed frame, watering can and mirror for a sweet shabby french look.
Sometimes it’s easier to spray a clear coat on an item then to wax it. To me it saves time and it dries quick which is a bonus. Keep in mind it is toxic to breathe but I think wax is too. I have a paint booth with an exhaust fan but otherwise spray outdoors and away from yourself

Chalk Painted Coffee Table
On this big french amoire I sealed with wax and that’s because it’s not a heavy use item and I love the smooth matte finish a wax gives. So it’s up to you on what pieces to wax verses use a clear poly spray.
With most of my pieces I use this non yellowing clear coat by Krylon in a satin finish. You won’t have to worry about people or kids putting their feet up on your furniture. It’s easy to wipe any dirt left behind. I also use a magic eraser on it if there are any scuff marks from shoes.

My French Farmhouse Living Room with Chalk Painted Furniture
How to Make Your Chalk Painting Furniture Last Longer
With the kids’ sticky hands, a clear coat works wonders. Just wipe away the sticky mess, without worrying about applying a new coat. There is no need to reapply it months later, it works like a charm. If you can’t get your piece outdoors, a clear wax will work fine. You just might have to reapply it every so often. Some of my favorite products that I use are from Amy Howard. My most favorite white chalk paint would have to be from Dixie Belle. Here are some of the paint products that I love! Just a reminder that when you purchase from links provide, these are companies that give me a small commission and your cost doesn’t go up. this helps run my blog so thank you

Flowers with chalk painted tray and table in french farmhouse style
Are you thinking to start chalk painting or have you been using this for a long time? I recommend starting with small pieces like a tray or a vase and then do a side table before you do something bigger. But remember you can always repaint of a clear spray or a wax. That’s the beauty of chalk paint. Take a look here on how I chalk paint the easy way.

Shabby French bedroom with Chalk Painted bed frame. Click here for my homemade chalk paint that I used for years. Great way to get the exact color your looking for.
If you’re looking for some amazing milk paint projects check out my friend at My 100 Year Old Home. She is working with a beautiful line of milk paint. Even with milk paint you can cover it with a clear coat or a wax. Read about how she uses it here.

My 100 Year Old Farmhouse Chippy Trunk!
I use a clear coat on all of my mirrors. Most of the time they are being used in bathrooms. So a non yellowing clear coat does the trick. Check out a few of my paint projects below. Click the links below to take a look at the different projects using chalk paint. I would love to know which one is your favorite! There is more on the blog but I hate to overwhelm you today
My favorite social media platform is Instagram, where I share daily life and lots of DIY tips. There is some fun info on Facebook, and YouTube. Be sure to check out my sites, I love sharing what I do with you all!
Hi Rhonda!
Just wanted you to know how inspiring you are! I follow you on Instagram as well, and I love how you just jump into projects with both feet… you don’t seem to overthink it, you just DO IT, and it always turns out so BEAUTIFUL!!
I’m the opposite, I overthink EVERYTHING 😩…so I’m trying to channel my “inner-Rhonda”😜 to tackle the garage (and basement-full) of furniture painting projects I have! …I love the finding and the buying, but get stuck in the creating for fear of messing it up (perfectionism is a curse I tell ya!!😫)
I do have a couple questions though… 1. How long is your DIY chalk paint recipe usable for? (I’ve read that plaster of Paris tends to thicken pretty quick, so do you have to use it up fast?) …and 2. When you add a tablespoon of mineral spirits to wax, what’s the ratio? Like how much wax do you mix with the tablespoon of mineral spirits?
Thanks so much and keep being you girl!! You rock!!🙌🏻🙌🏻
Hello my friend thx for dropping by. As for the chalk paint recipe I put it in a Tupperware container and it stays for a few months if not longer when sealed well. Just make sure it’s not to thick when you are done using it. You can always add more water to thin it down for storage. The wax is 1 tbsp for one container of wax. so I scoop one tablespoon of the wax out of the new container and add one table spoon of mineral spirits. I hope you can get to creating. I have long ago realized that winging it is best. If I think to long on a project I won’t do it. You can always repaint over a project with chalk paint so you can’t go wrong by starting
Thanks for all the insight on your painting methods. I’ve painted many pieces of furniture and am now in the process of painting all my kitchen cabinets. I have never used milk paint and am fairly new to chalk paint. I love all the work you’ve done. You are one amazing Mama!❤
Sounds like lots of fun Sarisa! I’m sure it will turn out gorgeous!! Thank you so much
Do you prefer chalk paint or milk paint for furniture? I have never used milk paint before. I have 2 dark wood, high gloss end tables I am needing to paint but the matching coffee table was such a long process & a pain I haven’t even started on the end tables. I sanded lightly, the paint took to the table good but I had to put about 4 coats on it then a clear wax. I like the end result but it took 3 days. Any tips?
Lynda I would use chalk paint versus milk paint on your furniture. Milk paint is good to get a chippy look and to get the solid look like chalk paint does it’s an extra step that isn’t needed. I would look at the brand of chalk paint you’re using because the ones I use only require 2 coats if you want a solid coverage.
Here’s an example of my table done in chalk paint.
Then here’s what I’ve done with paint.